My name is Alex Steinberg and I have been a member of the Local Station Board since 2015. I was also a member previously. I am one of 4 Directors selected from the Local Station Board to represent WBAI on the Pacifica National Board.
I want to continue to represent WBAI both locally and nationally as I have for the past 3 years. During my tenure on the WBAI LSB and the Pacifica National Board I have helped WBAI and Pacifica management implement the agreement that got us out of the extortionate lease with Empire State (up to $60,000/month and rising) and moved us to a better signal at 4 Times Square where our lease is ¼ the amount we used to pay. I have also supported all the efforts to get caught up on our audits so that we can get our CPB funding restored. WBAI can get an extra $300,000 a year if that happens.
I also want to make sure that WBAI and Pacifica remain independent, not beholding to any corporations or outside influences. That is why I am unalterably opposed to any sale or lease of WBAI to Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) which some members of the LSB have supported. I will continue to oppose the sale or lease of WBAI.
As the Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Pacifica National Board I authored a resolution, to commit Pacifica to become a real nationwide network with National Programming. If we are to be a rival to the poison of right wing radio, this is what we must do.
WBAI needs to revive its News Department so that the public can have a source of local news unadulterated by commercial interests and sensationalism.
WBAI also needs to improve its Programming while keeping some of the gems we have been broadcasting since the Golden Age of WBAI in the 1960s.
I am an educator and have taught philosophy and science with the Brecht Forum and most recently for the Marxist Education Project. But I also have skills in writing and organizational structures which has helped me in working on a strategic plan for Pacifica as a whole in my role as Chair of the PNB’s Strategic Planning Committee.
I am a lifelong socialist and am committed to making sure that WBAI remains a unique voice for an alternative culture and politics. We are the polar opposite of the fascistic Fox News as well as the less than honest NPR. We are the only major media outlet in the country that passed a motion defending the whistleblower Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. I was the author of that motion.
Please rank me as your #1 choice in this LSB election. I am endorsing the following candidates pledged to keep WBAI an independent voice of the Left resistance.
Alex Steinberg #1
Mitchel Cohen
Carolyn McIntyre
Michael D. White
Jim Dingman
Michael Lardner
Marilyn Vogt-Downey
Michael Jankowitz
Linda Zises
Maxine Harrison-Gallmon
Katherine O’Sullivan
Carolyn BIrden
Neal Vos
DISCLAIMER: This is not an official Pacifica Foundation website nor an official website of any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio). Opinions and facts alleged on this site belong to the author(s) of the website only and should NOT be assumed to be true or to reflect the editorial stance or policy of the Pacifica Foundation, or any of the five Pacifica Radio Stations (KPFA Radio, KPFK Radio, KPFT Radio, WBAI Radio, WPFW Radio), or the opinions of its management, Pacifica National Board, station staff or other listener members.
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